If you're suffering from back pain, here are a few solution to help alleviate the muscles
The most important thing to do is rest, try to rest for at least 24hrs
Over the counter Anti-Inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen and aspirin
Apply an ice pack or some frozen peas packet in the area for 15 - 20min. Reapply it every hour or so. Ice will numb the pain in the area and help reduce inflammation.
NOTE - Make sure you do remove the ice pack, and do not keep it for more than 20min as it will constrict the blood vessels which will prevent blood flow to the area. A lack of blood flow will decrease the transport of nutrients and wastes at the cellular level, and will disrupt the flow of oxygenated blood reaching the cells in that area which can lead to cell death *Think frost bite
Stretching will help to relieve the pain and tension in that area of the back. Attempt them at slow and gentle pace. The muscles are tensed and contracted, and require some stretching to alleviate the tension
Here are some stretches
Lower Back Pain
Rotator Stretch
What a great post. Very simple but very effective tips to help relieve back pain. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry for the delay in seeing this.
I'm glad I could help.
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